Achievements-listen til årets største actionspill, Grand Theft Auto V, er omsider lekket ut på nett, nærmere sagt på Achievement Hunter sine sider.
Med tanke på spillets omfang og størrelse, samt achievements på Rockstars tidligere spill og listen i seg selv kan det se ut til at det kan bli ekstremt tidkrevende å håve inn full pott. Både enspillerdelen og flerspillerdelen dekkes, og med tanke på hvor mange felt det er innenfor disse to igjen kan dette fort bli et av årets vanskeligste.
Listen over de 38 achievementsene som ikke er hemmelige (det er i tillegg 11 som inneholder store spoilere) ser du i sin helhet nedenfor, og selv om dette kun representerer Xbox 360-versjonen kommer trofeene på PS3-versjonen til å gå ut på akkurat det samme. Om du derimot ikke vil vite noe som helst om spillet før det kommer ut, anbefaler vi at du unngår å se på listen, med tanke på hva noen kan oppfatte som potensielle avsløringer.
Career Criminal Single Player — You attained 100% Game Completion (100 points)
Above the Law Multiplayer — You reached Rank 100 in GTA Online. (80 points)
Solid Gold, Baby! Single Player — You earned 70 Gold Medals on Missions and Strangers and Freaks. (50 points)
Decorated Multiplayer — You earned 30 Platinum Awards in GTA Online. (50 points)
San Andreas Sightseer Single Player — You explored all of Los Santos and Blaine County. (30 points)
Multi-Disciplined Single Player — You attained a gold medal in all applicable hobbies and pastimes. (30 points)
Show Off Single Player — You completed all Stunt Jumps. (30 points)
Kifflom! Single Player — You completed the Epsilon program and achieved inner peace. (30 points)
Making Moves Multiplayer — You reached Rank 50 in GTA Online. (30 points)
Red Mist Single Player — You completed all Rampages. (20 points)
Three Man Army Single Player — You survived for 3 minutes on at least a 3 star Wanted Level with all three characters together. (20 points)
A Lot of Cheddar Single Player — You spent a total of $200 million across all three characters. (20 points)
Close Shave Single Player — You completed all Under the Bridge and Knife Flight challenges. (20 points)
Numero Uno Multiplayer — You obtained first place in all competitive game types. (20 points)
The Midnight Club Single Player — You used custom vehicles to win 5 races. (20 points)
Unnatural Selection Multiplayer — You completed all 10 waves of a Survival. (20 points)
Run Like The Wind Single Player — You survived for a day with a Bounty on your head. (20 points)
Enjoy Your Stay Single Player — You participated in everything Los Santos has to offer. (20 points)
From Beyond the Stars Single Player — You collected and returned all spaceship parts to Omega. (15 points)
A Mystery, Solved Single Player — You solved the mystery of Leonora Johnson. (15 points)
Waste Management Single Player — You purchased the old dock and collected all nuclear waste. (15 points)
All’s Fare in Love and War Single Player — You purchased Downtown Cab Co. and completed a private fare. (10 points)
TP Industries Arms Race Single Player — You purchased McKenzie Field Hangar and won the arms race. (10 points)
Trading Pure Alpha Single Player — You made a profit over your total investments in the stock market. (10 points)
Pimp My Sidearm Single Player — You fully modded a weapon. (10 points)
Wanted: Alive Or Alive Single Player — You delivered a bail bond target alive. (10 points)
Los Santos Customs Single Player — You fully modded a vehicle. (10 points)
Three-Bit Gangster Multiplayer — You reached Rank 25 in GTA Online. (10 points)
Backseat Driver Single Player — You directed a driver to 1st place as co-driver in Rally Mode. (10 points)
Clean Sweep Multiplayer — You finished a Gang Attack without dying and killed at least 10 enemies. (10 points)
Stick Up Kid Single Player — You held up all 20 Stores. (10 points)
Full Refund Single Player — You killed the thief that mugged you. (10 points)
American Dream Single Player — You own an Apartment, Garage and an Insured Vehicle. (10 points)
Out of Your Depth Single Player — You needed a bigger boat… or ANY boat! (5 points)
Altruist Acolyte Single Player — You delivered an unsuspecting victim to the Altruist Cult. (5 points)
Off the Plane Multiplayer — You completed the GTA Online Introduction. (5 points)
Crew Cut Multiplayer — You completed a Job as a member of a Crew. (5 points)
Dialling Digits Single Player — You called for gang backup for the first time. (5 points)